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Pop American Christianityonline Lutheran Bible Study

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  2. Lutheran Bible Study
  3. Pop American Christianity Online Lutheran Bible Study Bible
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  5. Pop American Christianity Online Lutheran Bible Study

Consider this site if you want a free online Bible study that:

This six-part Bible study by LTC Bob Cary, USA (Ret), and LTC Hal Winton, USA (Ret.), focuses on applying godly principles of leadership, prayer, excellence, and commitment. There is ample room for answering questions and making notes. The six lessons are titled: God's Good Soldiers—Soldiers in the Bible; Joshua's Godly Leadership. Online Lutheran Bible Study. Home Bible Studies Bible Notes Divine Service/Liturgy DELTO/CE Notes Bible Introduction Notes Miscellaneous Old Testament Theology. Summary Chart of Pop American Christianity. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. The Lutheran Study Bible is the first Bible in English to be developed with notes that are distinctively Lutheran. Notes were prepared by theologians and pastors from more than 20 Lutheran church bodies. Current scholarship, insights from Church Fathers, and rich devotional commentary help both new and mature Christians learn about God's Word.

  • Guides you through a particular book of the Bible
  • Helps you develop a deeper understanding of spiritual truths
  • Excites you as you learn about the scriptures for yourself
  • Provides a self-paced study for individual or group study
  • Provides opportunities to apply God's truths to your personal life
  • Challenges you to think

These free online Bible study lessons help you accomplish that and more.

Bible study gives you clues to the 'Big Picture' in life. The Bible provides you the answers to life's most important questions. It provides you the truth regarding not only our lives here on Earth, but the truths regarding our eternal lives that follow our earthly lives also. The Bible is God's answer book for your questions.

Everybody's got questions like: 'What's the meaning of life?' or 'What's my purpose in life?' or 'What happens when I die?'

All those questions and more are answered in the Bible. By the way, studying the Bible not only makes life understandable, it makes it great!

Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens.Ephesians 1:3 The Holy Bible, Holman Christian standard version. (2009). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers

Bible Study Lessons With A Purpose

We should not just study. We should study the Bible with a purpose.

Consider these purposes:

  • Find treasure in God's Word and then hide it in your heart and mind. First, you should study so you know the Bible intimately. Study to know what the Bible says even though you don't have one in front of you. Study so you can hide the Word of God in your heart and mind.

The Lutheran Study Bible Download

  • Understand biblical principles and then apply them in your life. Also, you should study so you can apply the things you've learned to your life. Then you can become who God created you to be.
  • Teach others what God says in the Bible about them. Finally, study so you can teach others what you've learned so they can become disciples of Jesus Christ also.

These three goals are important because when you reach them you bring glory to God. But did you know there are more benefits to these free online Bible study lessons?

Bible Study is Key to Understanding God

Studying the Bible is the key to understanding God. Knowing and understanding God is your key to understanding who you are because He created you. He knows what's best for you. God wrote the Bible to you and He wrote it for you.

God provides the Bible for our learning. He tells us it's profitable and helps us understand what's important to Him. The Bible also reprimands us, corrects us, and teaches us how to become right before God (see II Timothy 2:16).

Lutheran Bible Study

Bible Study is Your Investment in Your Eternal Future

These free online Bible study lessons are a ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and there's no cost to you - except your time. It's really simple - you study - you get answers. Your rewards can last beyond your lifetime. Of course, the cool part is that you can reap rewards right away during your life here on earth.

Jesus said if we hear and keep the Word of God we'll be blessed (see Luke 11:28).

When you believe God's Word, it will change you. You'll see yourself as God sees you. By the way, God loves you and wants you to be changed by His book, the book He wrote for you. In short - God wants you to be 'Biblefied.'

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Keep In Mind

When you study, will you get every question answered right away? No, it takes time and careful study. It takes dedication to develop an understanding. That's where the free online Bible study lessons on this website help you.

For example, our Bible studies of the Gospel of John, the Book of Ephesians, the Book of Philippians, the Book of Colossians, the Book of James, and the Book of Genesis provide you systematic daily lessons.

We offer to email the daily study questions to you every day for some of the studies. Our format for these Bible studies provides a curriculum of daily discussion questions which work great for small groups.

We've also partnered with as another way to bring our resources to your small group in an online format. We currently have three studies published there and plan to add more soon.

Pop American Christianity Online Lutheran Bible Study Bible

The lutheran study bible download

Our Latest Lessons and Future Plans

We plan to add more studies with lessons on I Peter, the Book of Esther, and the Epistles of John. We wish it all could be done quickly, but the development and preparation for uploading takes a considerable amount of time.

We have redesigned our entire website and hope to finish updating it soon. We are reviewing and updating all Bible studies and each of our pages for you.

Some Final Thoughts

We appreciate your patience. We also appreciate any feedback you might have regarding how we can make the Bible study lessons easier for you to use. By the way - here's what we believe.

Please join us in praying for the outreach of our ministry to bring glory to God through the distribution of these free online Bible study lessons around the world to people whom God loves.

Please pray for missionaries around the world, the lost, and that this and other websites that provide free resources to those seeking God might be effective because God would have all mankind to come to a knowledge of Him and to be saved. (I Timothy 2:4)

Go ahead and jump in, it could change your life - forever! A good place to start would be the Gospel of John; or perhaps you might want to check out the Book of Genesis. Check back often for updates.

May God bless you and we pray this free online Bible study website blesses you as you study God's Holy Word.

Lutheran Bible Study Books

Pop american christianity online lutheran bible study

Visit Biblefied's profile on Pinterest.


Our Latest Lessons and Future Plans

We plan to add more studies with lessons on I Peter, the Book of Esther, and the Epistles of John. We wish it all could be done quickly, but the development and preparation for uploading takes a considerable amount of time.

We have redesigned our entire website and hope to finish updating it soon. We are reviewing and updating all Bible studies and each of our pages for you.

Some Final Thoughts

We appreciate your patience. We also appreciate any feedback you might have regarding how we can make the Bible study lessons easier for you to use. By the way - here's what we believe.

Please join us in praying for the outreach of our ministry to bring glory to God through the distribution of these free online Bible study lessons around the world to people whom God loves.

Please pray for missionaries around the world, the lost, and that this and other websites that provide free resources to those seeking God might be effective because God would have all mankind to come to a knowledge of Him and to be saved. (I Timothy 2:4)

Go ahead and jump in, it could change your life - forever! A good place to start would be the Gospel of John; or perhaps you might want to check out the Book of Genesis. Check back often for updates.

May God bless you and we pray this free online Bible study website blesses you as you study God's Holy Word.

Lutheran Bible Study Books

Visit Biblefied's profile on Pinterest.

Pop American Christianity Online Lutheran Bible Study

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