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BATCH file format description Many people share.batch files without attaching instructions on how to use it. Yet it isn't evident for everyone which program a.batch file can be edited, converted or printed with. On this page, we try to provide assistance for handling.batch files. Read Also: Unmap network drive using cmd Map Network Drive Command Line How to map network drive using cmd commands 'net use' You can map a network drive from different ways but the cmd is like a 'professional' way.

VX Search Ultimate / Enterprise 13.2.24

  • The NET command is a command line tool to manage requesters (networked computers), servers and network resources (network drives, printers, etcetera). It is native in all Windows versions since Windows for Workgroups 3.11.
  • img File Size: 25.5 MB VX Search is an automated, rule-based file search solution allowing one to search files by the file type, category, extension.
Author: xxx on 8-12-2020, 21:02

File Size: 25.5 MB
VX Search Ultimate is an automated, rule-based file search solution allowing one to search files by the file type, category, file name, size, location, extension, regular expressions, text and binary patterns, creation, modification and last access dates, EXIF tags, etc. Users are provided with the ability to categorize and filter results, copy, move or delete files, save reports and export results to an SQL database.

VX Search Rule-Based File Search
The user is provided with the ability to categorize and filter file search results, perform file management operations, generate various types of pie and bars charts, save reports to a number of standard formats such as HTML, PDF, Excel, text, CSV, XML and export search results to an SQL database.
VX Search Main GUI Application
IT administrators are provided with advanced file search capabilities including the ability to search files in multiple servers and/or NAS storage devices simultaneously, periodic file search operations, automatic report generation, conditional file search actions allowing one to send E-Mail notifications and/or execute custom commands when a file search operation finds a user-specified number of files.
Searching Files in Network Servers and NAS Storage Devices
VX Search allows one to scan the network, discover network servers and NAS storage devices, automatically detect all accessible network shares and search files in hundreds of network servers and NAS storage devices. In addition, the user is provided with the ability to export the list of detected servers and NAS storage devices (including lists of network shares for each server) into HTML, PDF, Excel, text, XML and CSV reports.
VX Search Network Search Servers
In order to search files in one or more servers or NAS storage devices, press the 'Network' button located on the main toolbar and wait while VX Search will scan the network and show a list of detected network servers and NAS storage devices. On the network servers and NAS storage devices dialog, select the required servers and press the 'Search' button.

Batch Share Files

VX Search Network Search Command
VX Search will show all network shares hosted on the selected servers and NAS storage devices allowing one to search files and save various types of file search reports and charts. In addition, VX Search provides a large number of advanced file search options allowing one to tune and customize file search operations for user specific needs and hardware configurations.
VX Search Command Line Utility
In addition to the VX Search GUI application, the user is provided with a command line utility, which can be used to execute pre-configured file search operations and integrated into user-custom shell scripts and batch files. The VX Search command line utility may be used to execute file search operations locally or control file search operations in one or more VX Search Servers via the network.
VX Search Command Line Utility
VX Search Server
IT and storage administrators are provided with the server product version, which runs in the background as a service and provides the ability to perform fully-automated, periodic file search operations, generate various types of file search reports, analyze file search results and execute conditional actions based on user-defined rules and policies.
VX Search Client GUI Application
VX Search Server may be controlled using a full-scale client GUI application and the command line utility, which provides the ability to perform file search operations, review results and save reports locally and through the network. Finally, enterprise customers are provided with VX Search Enterprise - a server-based product version allowing one to perform search operations, review results and save reports using a regular web browser locally or through the network.
Batch File Search Operations

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VX Search Server and VX Search Enterprise provide the ability to scan the network, detect all network servers and NAS storage devices, execute one or more pre-configured file search commands on hundreds of network servers and NAS storage devices and generate an individual file search report for each network server, NAS storage device or network share.
Batch File Search Operations
In the simplest case, just press the 'Network' button located on the main toolbar, search all network servers and NAS storage devices on the network, select one or more servers, press the right mouse button and select the 'Batch File Search' menu item. VX Search will show a list of pre-configured file search commands allowing one to select one or more commands to be executed on all selected network servers and NAS storage devices.
Batch File Search Mode
Depending on the selected configuration, VX Search Server will save in the built-in reports database an individual file search report for each network server, NAS storage device or network share. Once the batch file search operation is completed, the user will be provided with the ability to open saved file search reports, review file search results, generate various types of pie charts and export reports to a number of standard formats including HTML, PDF, text, Excel CSV and XML.

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Mapping a drive to a share on a remote computer can be a big time saver when you need to access files and folders remotely. Using Windows Explorer, you can easily map the drive to the share on a remote computer when needed.

But what if you need to map multiple drives at once, or you want to always map the drive when you logon to your computer?

7: on thin ice. The best solution is to create a batch file that you can click on, when you need to map the drives, or copy it to your Windows user account Startup folder so the drives are mapped automatically during logon.

To map drives using a batch file, we'll need to use the net use command. At it's simplest form, the command looks like this:

net use [devicename | *] [computernamesharename


devicename = the dive letter for the map drive

computername = is the computeer wher the share exists

sharename = is the name of the share

So to create a batch file that will map a drive to different computers that are sharing folders, we'll use the following commands:

net use W: computer1MP3

net use X: computer2Photos

Note:you can asssign any drive letter you want, as long as it is not in use by your computer (for example A or C drives).

What About Authentication?

Using the commands above to map drives, assumes that the account you are logged on as, exists on the remote computer where the shared folder is located, or if you are at work, is part of a Windows Domain.

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Category: Softwares

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Mapping a drive to a share on a remote computer can be a big time saver when you need to access files and folders remotely. Using Windows Explorer, you can easily map the drive to the share on a remote computer when needed.

But what if you need to map multiple drives at once, or you want to always map the drive when you logon to your computer?

7: on thin ice. The best solution is to create a batch file that you can click on, when you need to map the drives, or copy it to your Windows user account Startup folder so the drives are mapped automatically during logon.

To map drives using a batch file, we'll need to use the net use command. At it's simplest form, the command looks like this:

net use [devicename | *] [computernamesharename


devicename = the dive letter for the map drive

computername = is the computeer wher the share exists

sharename = is the name of the share

So to create a batch file that will map a drive to different computers that are sharing folders, we'll use the following commands:

net use W: computer1MP3

net use X: computer2Photos

Note:you can asssign any drive letter you want, as long as it is not in use by your computer (for example A or C drives).

What About Authentication?

Using the commands above to map drives, assumes that the account you are logged on as, exists on the remote computer where the shared folder is located, or if you are at work, is part of a Windows Domain.

If you need to authenticate when mapping the drive, we'll need to use an account that exists on the remote computer or in a Windows Domain, and add it onto the net use command as shown below:

net use [devicename | *] [computernamesharename password /USER:username

Therefore the command will look like this when used in a batch file:

net use W: computer1MP3 mypassword /USER:mary

net use X: computer2Photos mypassword /USER:bob

If an error occurs (unknown user name), you will need to use the /USER switch with the domainname option as follows:

net use W: computer1MP3 mypassword /USER:mydomainmary

If the remote computer is not part of a Domain, and is part of a Workgroup, then substitute the Domain for the name of the remote computer (where the user account resides).

net use W: computer1MP3 mypassword /USER:computer1mary

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Creating The Batch File

Ok, now that we know how to use the net use command, let's create the batch file.

  • First, open up Notepad or your favorite text editor.
  • Next, copy the commands as shown below and paste them into the file. Don't forget to modify the net use command with the drive letter you want to use, the name of the Computer and share you want to map a drive to, and password and account name (if needed).

ECHO Begin Mapping Drives
net use W: computer1MP3 mypassword /USER:mary
net use X: computer2Photos myrealpassword /USER:bob


  • Then save the file with any name and a .bat extension (make sure it's NOT saved using .txt as the file type extension), to a location where you can easily access it (such as your Desktop).
  • When you need to map the drive(s), just double click on it.

A Word About Security

Now, realize when using the net use command and hard coding passwords, make sure you understand that you are at risk if anyone gains access to the batch file. You don't want to create the batch file at work and save it to a File Server.

Use common sense, and don't be careless.

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